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Top News

Summer Contests

Summer contests have started and they're here to stay. Each week we'll be doing a large contest that lasts 6-7 days. Prizes for these contests will usually be games on Steam worth $15 - $60 USD. We'll also be holding smaller contests randomly during the week. Select admins have been given keys to hand out for completing various tasks. These contests include tasks such as making the MVP list during a single round, making dominations as a medic, etc. All servers are participating in the contests so don't be afraid to server hop! Have fun!

See the current contest details on our ingame contest page or by typing !contest into server chat!

Since the summer is long and our goal is bold, we're likely going to need some suggestions for contests and prizes. Please feel free to message and admin and present your ideas. In addition, our prize pool and paypal account are already being drained from all the excitement. Please donate to the prize pool via a trade offer or to our community to help us keep these things going! Thank you!

Steam Group News

short, fun 2fort contests - March 27, 2015

when: Friday the 3 of April, 6pm PST or later
where: PGC tf2 server (
what: im bringing keys and we'll do some fun short contests. winners get keys, simple as that. might do some heavy boxing duels in the intel room and other crap like that

show up if interested. i'll grab more keys if we're having fun... [more]

Summer Contest Details and Donations - June 10, 2014

Summer contests have started and they're here to stay. Each week we'll be doing a large contest that lasts 6-7 days. Prizes for these contests will usually be games on Steam worth $15 - $60 USD. We'll also be holding smaller contests randomly during the week. Select admins have been given keys to hand out for completing various tasks. These contests include tasks such as making the MVP list during a single round, making dominations as a medic, etc. All servers are participating in the contests so don't be afraid to server hop!

See the current contest details[] on our ingame contest page or by typing !contest into server chat!

Since the summer is long and our goal is bold, we're likely going to need some suggestions for contests and prizes. Please feel free to message and admin and present your ideas. In addition, our prize pool and paypal account are already being drained from all the excitement.
Please donate to the prize pool via a trade offer or to our community[] to help us keep these things going! Thank you!
... [more]

Summer Contests Have Started! - June 1, 2014

The famous contests of PGC are back! Starting June 1st (today!) we'll be hosting TF2 contests all summer long!

Some details:
1) Each week will feature one big 7-day contest with a big prize!
2) During the week admins will be hosting mini-contests that can be won in minutes with key prizes and other in-game items!

Right now we're currently running a 7-day "most kills" contest. The winner gets a free copy of Wolfenstein: The New Order! 2nd and 3rd place recieve any five items from our prize pool[]!

Contests will be for ALL our servers!... [more]

Help! - Valve Nerfed the Community - January 24, 2014

As many of you know, our servers have become quite popular over the last few years. While we do enjoy a strong base of server regulars, we also depend on random players using the "Play Now" button (also known as quick play) to keep our servers filled. As of yesterday's update, Valve has made it so that the Play Now button only sends users to its own official servers by default. This has been damaging to the population on our servers as well as all the other gaming communities. Please help out the gaming communities by asking Valve to make the default setting send users to community servers as well. You can post on the steam forums about this at

Thank you for your support! Help us fight to keep communities alive in TF2!
... [more]

Happy New Year! - January 1, 2014

Happy New Year to everyone in PGC! It's been a great year and we're thankful for such a fun and social community. As the first measure to usher in the new year, we've reset the point ladder. As of January 1st 2014 12:01am PST, all players have 1,000 points. We've also fixed some point exploits that were used during the past year by some dastardly players. We're also increasing the maximum reward for killing highly-skilled players to 25 (up from 12). This will allow skilled players to rise in rank quickly (among other benefits). Happy gaming!... [more]

Boogalicious Giveaway - May 20, 2013

It's been a while since we did a straight giveaway, hasn't it? Well, good news everyone!

The entire TF2 community is wrapped up in this newfound love of crates, keys, and robots, with us being no exception. As such, PGC is happy to announce that we will be hosting RoboKey giveaways Sunday May 26th on the 2fort, hightower, and rotation servers from 12:30pm - 1:30pm MST!

How many RoboKeys are we giving away, you may ask. The answer? $75 worth, or 30 (for those of you who are bad at basic multiplication).

You might also be wondering what sort of hallucinogenic drug inspired us to get $75 worth of keys from Mann Co and give them away. Well it wasn't actually our fault. One of our community members, Dr. Dash, has decided to get the $100 lifetime donator package we have on our homepage. However, he wanted to give the money back to the community, so $75 of the donation is being used to buy RoboKeys.

To be a part of this giveaway is really quite simple. Just show up on the 2fort server on Sunday. Dash & Phoenix will be using a random number generator to hand out 5 keys (to 5 lucky individuals) every half hour starting at 1:00. The only rule? You may not win more than twice.

So, to summarize. Dr. Dash is crazy, 30 keys, every half hour, Sunday, 12:30 - 3:30 MST. It's gonna be...

ELECTRIC!... [more]

New Rotation Server.... Alive?! - April 19, 2013

We have some good news and we have some bad news. It's a long story involving bad Thai, the Rotation Server gaining sentience, and an innocent panda's life on the line. The short of it is that the new Rotation Server will be launched as soon as the PGC Servers get 200,000 more kills. If you want to save the panda, play on the RED team. If you hate greyscale animals, play on the BLU team.

The full story can be read here:
Progress can be tracked here:

The faster you kill, the faster you can play all sorts of fun maps. Good luck!

P.S. If you want to represent Panda Hate/Love, download our panda sprays at [more]

Rotation Server Map Voting - April 7, 2013

PGC will be refitting the Dustbowl server with a map rotation soon! We are now doing a poll in-game to see what maps the community wants to be in rotation. Sign on soon to cast your vote! The top ten maps (or so) will be included in the final rotation.

To Vote:
1) Sign on to a PGC TF2 server.
2) During your first respawn, you will be given a poll in-game to choose the map you MOST want to see on the rotation server
3) Vote

In other news, we have also added the ability for you to see when you first connected to our servers. Visit your profile on our stats site to see the "First Connected" date!

Thanks for playing!... [more]

Support PGC and Join Amazon Student! FREE - January 12, 2013

By joning Amazon Student you will get free two day shipping and many exclusive sales! PGC will recieve $10 for every person who signs up. It's FREE. Support PGC and join amazon student by clicking here[]!

$10 donation to PGC
6 months of free 2-day shipping
exclusive sales
No cost to you whatsoever :)

You must click the link above for PGC to get credit for the referral.... [more]

Donations and Benefits - January 7, 2013

Some of our regular playesr have graciously informed me that they would like to donate to keep PGC running. To show our gratitude for donating, we have implemented a donator rewards system. Now you can donate to get a reserved slot, raffle ticket, and more! We're also introducing the "Super Donator" package, which will give you a permanent reserved slot, permanent team balance immunity, and the ability to kill everyone including teammates and the server owner after round end!

To keep things simple for those who want it that way, we also have a generic donation option.

Visit for details!... [more]
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